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EL PD Pathway

TSD's English Learner Professional Development Pathway

English Learner PD Pathway, meeting CDE's requirement:

  • Thompson School District has been granted continued approval to issue certificates of completion of the professional development required pursuant to 1 CCR 301-37.7.02(7) through September 2025.

This 45-hour EL PD Pathway, in-house coursework plan, has been pre-approved by CDE to meet the 45-hour EL PD re-licensure requirements.  

  • *Recommended first course: Equity, Culture, and Diversity- 7.5 hours
  • Effective Teaching Strategies for CLD Students- 7.5 hours
  • Effective Assessment Strategies for CLD Students- 7.5 hours
  • Engaging Each Family- 7.5 hours
  • Language Acquisition SIOP- 15 hours


EL PD Courses are listed in Learning Pro and offered at various times throughout the calendar year.

EL PD Pathway Completion Memo

Click here for Completion Certificate and Application for Designation through CDE


EL Pathway